Day 22 Astorga

The hills have returned, hurray! With a relatively short day of 15km, I entered Astorga. I was happy to have some variety of the terrain on today’s hike. The Meseta now seems to be behind me and the rolling hills returning.
On today’s walk in I met up with many friends. I spent a bit of time walking with the three Canadian sisters that I had met previously, Connie, Teresa and Maria. I also met the rest of the family from Georgia/Florida that I had met parts of before. If you recall I met Grandpa Joe in Pamplona, and son Jim and grandson Nicolas outside of Logrono. Today I met Matti, and Ryan the grand daughter and other grandson. Grandpa Joe is in full swing now doing the Camino, even setting the pace for his three generations family unit. Great to see someone in their 70’s showing the 20 something’s how it’s done! I hope I have his energy when reach his age.
Upon entering Astorga, I ran into Ju-An, and ended up having an enjoyable dinner with her.
Because today was a short day, I dodged a passing thunderstorm by being in the city before it passed. Still hoping to survive this trip without having to walk much in the rain. I know that sounds silly for someone from Seattle, but it’s a different thing when carrying all you have on your back…
Also since Marci is a fan of wheat fields, I have another picture just for her. Today I came across a wheat field where the wheat was almost 5 feet tall.
And one last tidbit, I saw a deer this morning. Trivial, yes but I have been surprised at the lack of wildlife on this journey. Aside from the many green lizard’s and various birds, I have not seen any other wild animals.