Day 32 Portomarin

Yet another great day to put in 22km. Today was overcast for most of the morning until burning off most of the clouds. That meant a bit of a humid day. Yet no complaints here. Great weather for a Camino hike. We left Sarria this morning with the new hoards who start in Sarria, which meets the minimum 100km requirements for a Compostela. It’s easy to tell who are new to the Camino, their shoes/boots are clean, and they take lots of photos. 🙂
While the added traffic is different, I welcome these new pilgrims as they too make this journey. As I have said before, the Camino adapts to each pilgrim and it is refreshing to see the glee in these new pilgrims; as they also help me to not miss the small things.
Today’s journey led us to Portomarin, which is on the banks of a reservoir. At this point the largest body of water I have seen in sometime. It’s home to a Romanesque fortress church with links to the knights of St. John which was painstakingly relocated from its original location that is now beneath the waters of the reservoir. I missed getting a picture tonight but will capture one in the AM on the way out of town.
The count down to Santiago is becoming more dramatic as today I broke through the 100 km barrier. Hard to believe that I have walked over 690 km thus far! (428+ miles)
Lori is doing well thus far. Certainly a few blisters, but we got those patched up. The first two days were a bit challenging ( for me too as the hills are significant) but she has faired well physically and is now setting a good pace for us. If we stay on plan we expect to be in Santiago on July 8th.
Thanks to all of you who are commenting on the blog. It’s great to know that this journey is interesting to you too. I decided to do this blog so I would have a record of the various memories, and am so thankful that I have been vigilant in doing so as many of the days all seem to run together. Great to know that others can enjoy a bit of the Camino vicariously through me…
One last note, today Lori and I ran into Jenny from Illinois at breakfast. Her daughter Rachel has joined her for the final 100km as well. Significant for Rachel in that she broke her foot earlier this year and was to do the whole Camino with Jenny, but was only allowed the last 100km per doctors orders.
For you REI folk, can you spot the REI logo cameo?